Acupuncture in Gilbert AZ
Are you looking for acupuncture in Gilbert AZ? Can you imagine how effective a health care discipline must be to stand the test of time for hundreds of generations? With a large portion of the media and research focusing their attention on the newest surgeries and medications, valuable and essential forms of health care are being forgotten. With acupuncture being practiced as a medical system for over 2400 years, its safety and effectiveness have been proven time and time again. While acupuncture alone has been shown to be the best line of treatment for many conditions, it can also be incorporated into various treatment plans to increase results and decrease treatment time.
What is Acupuncture in Gilbert AZ
Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It is based on the belief that imbalances or blockages in Qi (pronounced "Chee") or energy flow can cause discomfort and illness.
Acupuncture is widely used for both therapeutic and preventative purposes. The practice involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific parts of the body to promote natural healing. Research suggest that acupuncture can effectively alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, enhance well-being and support healing
Conditions Acupuncture May Manage
Acupuncture can address a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental health concerns, including but not limited to:
- Stress and Emotional Health: Stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, smoking cessation, chronic fatigue.
- Digestive Disorders: Nausea, GERD, gastritis, constipation, IBS, colitis.
- Respiratory Concerns: Asthma, sore throat, colds, flu, sinusitis, allergies.
- Pain Management: Headaches, migraines, sinus pain, joint pain, nerve pain, sciatica, arthritis, TMJ, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, frozen shoulder.
- Women's Health: Infertility, PMS, menstrual disorders, menopause symptoms (e.g. hot flashes, night sweats).
- General Health: Dizziness, ear infections, and more.
If you would like to learn more about acupuncture in Gilbert AZ or see if you could benefit from its incorporation into your current care, please contact our team at Islands Chiropractic and Massage today for help.
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Islands Chiropractic & Massage
1447 W Elliot Rd #103
Gilbert, AZ 85233